Qk4 is celebrating Black History Month this February by exploring the past to spotlight Black civil engineers who made remarkable impact on the industry.
? This week, we??re celebrating Cheryl McKissack Daniel ?
Introducing: Cheryl McKissack Daniel
Cheryl McKissack Daniel is an exceptional African American female engineer, role-modeling for all future generations by running the oldest minority & woman-owned professional design and construction firm in the United States, McKissack & McKissack.
Her Achievements
Cheryl??s father, an architect running the family business, took Cheryl on site visits with him regularly. This is where her passion for the industry began. She attended Howard University where she earned her bachelor??s and master??s in Civil Engineering. Although Cheryl began her career designing silos for missiles, she pivoted to design and construction when she joined the family business after her father suffered a stroke.
Cheryl soon saw success, undoubtedly due to her unyielding determination. Being one of the few women of color in her field, she holds firm to her trust in the company??s capabilities. McKissack & McKissack has worked on numerous high-profile projects including a $700 million hospital project, $8 million JFK Airport Terminal 1 project, and New York City??s MTA Capital Program which provides audits on any construction project that??s over $100 million. Cheryl credits their success to staying centered on who they are and playing to their strengths as a company.
Thank you for joining us in celebrating Black History Month!
Thompson, Jihan. ??This Black-Woman Owned Architect And Engineer Company Is Breaking New Ground.? Essence, Essence, 30 May 2019, www.essence.com/news/money-career/cheryl-mckissack-daniel-profile/.

Qk4 is celebrating Black History Month this February by exploring the past to spotlight Black civil engineers who made remarkable impact on the industry.
? This week, we??re celebrating Cheryl McKissack Daniel ?
Introducing: Cheryl McKissack Daniel
Cheryl McKissack Daniel is an exceptional African American female engineer, role-modeling for all future generations by running the oldest minority & woman-owned professional design and construction firm in the United States, McKissack & McKissack.
Her Achievements
Cheryl??s father, an architect running the family business, took Cheryl on site visits with him regularly. This is where her passion for the industry began. She attended Howard University where she earned her bachelor??s and master??s in Civil Engineering. Although Cheryl began her career designing silos for missiles, she pivoted to design and construction when she joined the family business after her father suffered a stroke.
Cheryl soon saw success, undoubtedly due to her unyielding determination. Being one of the few women of color in her field, she holds firm to her trust in the company??s capabilities. McKissack & McKissack has worked on numerous high-profile projects including a $700 million hospital project, $8 million JFK Airport Terminal 1 project, and New York City??s MTA Capital Program which provides audits on any construction project that??s over $100 million. Cheryl credits their success to staying centered on who they are and playing to their strengths as a company.
Thank you for joining us in celebrating Black History Month!
Thompson, Jihan. ??This Black-Woman Owned Architect And Engineer Company Is Breaking New Ground.? Essence, Essence, 30 May 2019, www.essence.com/news/money-career/cheryl-mckissack-daniel-profile/.