Local officials joined by Qk4�??s project manager, David Reed, placed several bricks to symbolize the �??groundbreaking�?� for the streetscape project within the historic Gaslight District of Jeffersontown, Kentucky. The Qk4 design team assisted the City of Jeffersontown with the streetscape master planning and final design for an area which included the downtown segment of Taylorsville Road, and portions of Watterson Trail within the historic town square. This project includes traditional streetscape improvements along Taylorsville Road and unique Jeffersonian inspired architectural features within the town square area of Watterson Trail. Steel truss arches will span Taylorsville Road at both College Drive and at Ruckriegel Parkway to mark the gateways to the historic district, while other elements of the streetscape design include street lighting, new sidewalks with brick verge pavers, decorative brick and wrought iron walls, landscaping, and street furnishings such as benches and landscape planters. The City believes the project will enhance the historic downtown and encourage private growth and reinvestment within the corridor.