Project Description
Claibourne Crossing Mixed Use Development
Jefferson County, Kentucky

The Jefferson Development Group selected Qk4 to perform a traffic impact study for a proposed mixed-use development that encompasses 77 acres and contain a mix of residential, commercial, general office, and office/warehousing land uses. We studied this development in combination with a previously approved development located to the south to determine the impact of both developments.
To determine impacts on local roadways, we generated the traffic that the development would produce. We used the Trip Generation Manual and distributed traffic throughout the roadway network. We added background growth to the existing roadway network along with generated traffic to approximate future traffic conditions.
Then, we analyzed intersections and roadway links using the Highway Capacity Software. Finally, we compared existing and future conditions and made recommendations based on these comparisons to ensure minimal impact on study area roadways and intersections.
Our design team also used the traffic study to make informed design decisions for roadway improvements.
So far, the client has constructed a Mercedes dealership, medical center, and various retail stores, and development is ongoing.