True or False: Restarting a car uses more fuel than letting it idle. False! The truth is, after idling more than 10 seconds, a car wastes fuel and its engine doesn??t work efficiently. What??s more, idling costs the average driver an estimated $70 per year??just to sit still!
Qk4, Inc., is excited to participate in our Metro Air Pollution Control District??s (APCD) Idle Free Louisville program, and to do our part for cleaner air. Exhaust fumes from idling vehicles are pollutants that pose significant air quality and health problems in our community. As a member of Idle Free Louisville, we are committed to being a part of the problems?? solution through initiation of a ??No Idling Policy.?
Our no-idling policy extends to its vehicles not only when they are on company property, but also when they are in use on project sites or elsewhere. In addition, available in our headquarters lobby is literature on the benefits of reduced idling, and we prominently display signs identifying Qk4 as Idle Free Louisville proponents.
To learn more about the Idle Free program, visit APCD’s outreach website: