Native American Services
“I am continually impressed by the dedication that the Qk4 staff has to producing quality designs and services.”
Elizabeth Harris
Catawba Indian Nation Tribal Administrator
Native American communities are steeped in sacred practices and spiritual traditions. All too often, the design of new facilities is neither sensitive to the sacred nor reflective of the traditional. As a result, many Native American community members may feel uncomfortable with and lack trust in the non-traditional services provided by these facilities.
Qk4’s goal is to design culturally appropriate projects with particular respect to religious and sacred grounds, working closely with the elders, spiritual leaders, and interested citizens. Our goal is to create a contemporary, sustainable atmosphere while imbuing the design with spirit and life, based on century’s old cultural foundation. Qk4 has performed this challenging task for numerous Tribes throughout the United States. Our staff works closely with tribal leaders, tribal elders, and interested community groups and individuals to ensure the Tribe’s cultural and environmental integrity remains in the forefront of the planning process.
All of our services are provided with the commitment to protect and enhance tribal culture in every aspect of a project. Our dedicated staff’s successes in responding with sensitivity to each tribal client’s unique needs and vision attest to our holding to that commitment as a sacred trust.
Matt Riddell
Matt Riddell
Matt Riddell

By giving them this experience early in the design process, you could sync up expectations early, enabling others to clearly visualize what the completed project will look like. The virtual reality experience can be delivered on your computer, on some mobile devices using Qk4’s virtual reality viewer, or projected onto a screen, say, during a public meeting.
The Power of Virtual Reality
Click the VR logo to the left to view sample projects and learn more about our viewer.
Matt Riddell